Here's the memoirs documenting my journey through dog ownership. It's definitely not for everyone - heck, I don't even know if it's for me, but I'll take you through the ride and it's trials and tribulations. Meet me... and my Hero.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

9 Whole Hours!!

I hope you don't think this is mean, but I had a conference today so I had no choice but to leave Hero at home in his crate. As I mentioned previously, I've revoked his freedom.

He lasted the whole time with no accidents! Yes, I know it's a long time, but he got to go at 3 am and at 8am in the morning so it was like his nighttime sleep. Good job Hero!

Of course, when I let him out, he had the two biggest pee pees I've ever seen, but it's all good! =D


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